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Living a Life
You Absolutely



Do Any Of These Describe Where You Are Now?

Does This Sound Familiar?

There's never enough time... There are so many things you need to accomplish that you just can't do them all.

Overwhelm… Your mind is constantly going over your to-do list rather than focusing on the task at hand.

You crave life balance… Maybe your work life is successful, but it’s at the expense of your health or your relationships.

Perhaps life is good… but you know there is something more–or different – waiting for you.

You’re not living “On Purpose”… You want to feel more engaged … more ALIVE. You want to make a difference.

You’re stuck…The desire or goal you’ve had for years now hasn’t materialized, and you just don’t know how to make it happen.

It’s always “out there”… Countless times, you have thought, “I’ll be happy when…”

Regardless of how your life is right now, with the right knowledge, tools, and skills, along with the proper structure of support, you absolutely CAN find this level of fulfillment NOW.

Image by Almos Bechtold

You Hold The Key...

Are you ready to move past the blocks and barriers?
Are you ready for faster results?
Are you ready to go further and reach even higher levels of success?
Are you ready to LET IT BE EASIER?

If So, Let's Talk!

Ways That I Serve

Image by Aaron Burden

Transformational Life Coaching

Work with Meagan for fully customized 1:1 support and guidance to turn your dreams into a reality.

Image by Miguel Bruna

Business Success Coaching

Take your business to next level with 1:1 personalized support to master your sales, enrolment and marketing.


Sacred Money RePatterning

Join Meagan on a journey to creating a brand new blueprint for your experience with money and abundance.

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Whether it’s a 10 minute talk, a Keynote speech, or a day-long workshop, Meagan will ignite your group.


Anne S. Perrah, CA

"Meagan McKerroll is a world-class life coach who offers the kind of mentoring support you wished you had and you'll thank your lucky stars you found her!"

Work With Me


Group Coaching

Mountain Top Sunset with Group of People

When we connect with a tribe of people with similar values and beliefs, amazing things can happen. You expand your network of valuable connections. You get to give and receive help and support. You get to experience that priceless feeling of being part of something greater than yourself. My Group Coaching clients benefit not just from the coaching process, but also from peer learning with others. Plus, many of my clients find coaching in a group puts them “less on the spot”, giving them more time to reflect and integrate their insights.

Private 1:1 Coaching

Woman walking on the beach during sunset

The power of personal coaching lies in the fact that it provides an individual with the most critical ingredient for extraordinary, consistent success: ongoing support, detailed action plans, constructive feedback and, most importantly, high level perspective. When a person knows that they will be regularly masterminding with Meagan – someone who is going to give them unwavering encouragement and high-level support all the way to the finish line – that person’s commitment, enthusiasm, and belief in their goal increases exponentially.

Meet Meagan

Meagan McKerroll is an Integrative Healer & Spiritual Life Coach certified through the Life Mastery Institute. Meagan is here to help you design and manifest a life that's in harmony with your Soul's purpose.


With a passion for teaching her clients how to unlock their true potential, Meagan blends her proven excellence in coaching with her decades of experience in spiritual counselling, integrative holistic healing, energy medicine and shamanism to bring you all-encompassing results in mind, body and spirit.


She supports her clients to achieve outrageous success and live meaningful lives they absolutely LOVE while enjoying more time, money and location freedom doing the things they love! Learn more...

Get In Touch

To book Meagan as a speaker at your event, have her teach at your retreat, or have her work with your sales team please get in touch. We will reply within 1-3 business days.

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Meagan McKerroll Spiritual Life Coach and Healer
About Meagan

Meagan McKerroll, LHHP, B.Msc is a world-renowned Intuitive Energy Healer, Spiritual Life & Success Coach, International Speaker, Holistic Lifestyle Practitioner and Best Selling Author of the book “Up Until Now - The Three Magic Words That Stop Fear, Stress, and Anxiety from Running your Life”. Her focus is on helping you to design and manifest a life that you truly LOVE living. She specializes in helping open-minded entrepreneurs build their dreams, accelerate their results, live from their highest potential and create richer, more fulfilling lives doing what they love.

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